Support Center


  • 1. Register in SAM to get your CAGE code

    • Cost: Free

    • Timeline: Up to 5 days

    • Notes: Any business that wants to be a supplier to the federal government must register in SAM (System for Awards Management) to obtain an active CAGE code. To check to see if you have a CAGE, modify your CAGE, or complete a new registration, go to the CAGE Registration section and check the status of your registration.

    2. Register in DLA DIBBS

    • Cost: Free

    • Timeline: Registration processing takes 15 min online, then ~7 days to receive the address verification postcard.

    • Notes: DIBBS (DLA Internet Bid Board System) is the site where you submit your bid. In order to bid, you must be registered in DIBBS. You register in DIBBS first. DIBBS allows you access to the online government bidding system. Go to the DIBBS Registration section to check the status of your registration.

    3. Register in folders

    • Cost: Free

    • Timeline: In real-time (if all goes well)

    • Notes: cFolders (Collaboration Folders) is the DLA site where most drawings and technical specs are stored for download. to access unclassified technical data that discloses critical technology. Go to the JCP Registration section to check the status of your registration.

    • Special Note: All of the above sites are free. However, many companies will contact you and offer to perform these registrations for a fee of as much as $2,000. They will save you very little time since you will need to provide them with all of your company information so they can enter it.

  • Registering in SAM for a CAGE (Commercial and Governmental Entity) Code is mandatory if you wish to sell directly to the federal government.

    To get registered in SAM and get a CAGE Code, go to

    If you don't have an account with, you must create one.

    • Click on the sign-in link in the upper left

    • Click on the Create an Account link

    Once you have a account, you must register your "Entity" by clicking on "Get Started." When completed, you have a Unique Entity ID and a CAGE Code.

    image|Cage Code Registration|#

    You can update your SAM registration by following the instructions HERE.

    You can check the status of your CAGE Code and get detailed information about CAGE Codes HERE.

  • In order to bid on most solicitations, you will use the electronic submission (bid board) utility located on the DLA/DIBBS site. Each user must register individually under the CAGE code of their company. Because a DLA/DIBBS registration gives that person the ability to submit a binding bid to the government on behalf of their company, registration is carefully controlled. The person who initially registers themselves under the company CAGE code is designated by DLA as the Super User. That person must approve anyone else who wants to register under your company CAGE code.

    If you know your username and password for DLA/DIBBS, go to the DLA/DIBBS homepage and click the login button in the far upper right of the homepage. Enter your credentials. If they are accepted, then you have positively confirmed your access to the DLA/DIBBS bid system. Because DLA/DIBBS requires you to change your password every 60 days, it is quite possible the site may prompt you to enter a new password. The password requirements for DLA/DIBBS are extensive and include using a minimum of 15 characters.

    IMPORTANT: DLA passwords are a major hassle. For detailed help, go to the DIBBS and cFolders Passwords section.

    If you are unable to log in, you can check to determine if your company is registered in DLA/DIBBS and who the Super User is by going to the DLA/DIBBS registration site. Enter your CAGE code, click Next, and the resulting screen will tell you if the company is registered with DLA/DIBBS and who the Super User is. As a result of this check, you will likely find that one of three conditions exists. Find the one that is appropriate and follow the instructions.

    If there is no previous registration in DLA/DIBBS from anyone in your company:

    1. Your company must be registered in SAM first and you must have a SAM registration.

    2. Go to the DLA/DIBBS homepage

    3. Click on Vendor Registration

    4. DLA/DIBBS is linked with the SAM system.

    5. DLA/DIBBS will pre-fill certain registration information (company name; business address; DUNS number; SAM registration point of contact (POC); contact telephone number; and contact email/fax address) from the SAM the first time a representative for a CAGE starts the DLA/DIBBS registration process

    6. Full DIBBS registration is a two-step process where you fill out the required fields in the online registration form and submit

    7. DIBBS will then mail you a postcard to the address associated with your CAGE record in SAM

    8. The postcard will contain a PIN number. When you receive the postcard, go back into your DIBBS registration, enter the PIN, and submit. Your registration will be complete. DIBBS states that you should expect to receive your postcard in about 10 days from the time you complete the initial part of the registration.

    If your company is already registered in DLA/DIBBS:

    1. The person who is the Super User (created the company account in DLA/DIBBS and SAM) must add you to the authorized user list

    2. They must log into DLA/DIBBS, click on Account, and then click on Add Account and enter their name, phone, and email.

    3. You will receive an email with a link to DLA/DIBBS registration, followed by a second email with a temporary pin

    4. Follow the instructions using the PIN and finish creating your account by providing a password.

    If your company is already registered in DLA/DIBBS and the Super User is not available:

    1. Contact DLA/DIBBS using their feedback form.

    2. Enter your company information in the field provided.

    3. Request that your account be deleted because “our Super User has left the company” or whatever best describes your situation.

  • Rules for Password creation (consistent with both DIBBS and cFolders rules):

    1. Length – must be a minimum of 15 characters and not exceed 60.

    2. Content – must contain at least 2 characters from each of 4 classes.
      a. Upper case (ABC, etc.)
      b. Lowercase (abc, etc.)
      c. Numbers (0123, etc.)
      d. Special characters (!@#$%^&+=)

    3. Sequence – must have no more than 4 characters from a class (see above) in a row

    4. Sequence - must not have a repeat of the same character within a three-character sequence (abe but not aab or bab).

    5. Sequence – no more than one Special Character in a row

    6. Password cannot start or end with ! and cannot be the first special character used.

    7. Password must start with ABC, etc. or abc, etc. (no numbers or special characters)

    8. Password cannot end with ! or ? and cannot be the first special character used.

    Rules for a new password:

    1. Must change at least 8 characters in the old password in order to use it as a new one.

    2. Must be different from your last 10 DLA passwords.

    Suggested Password Template – there are many rules governing a DLA password. We have found it useful to use a somewhat intelligent format that can be changed in a way that makes sense. Following is a format that meets DLA rules, works, and can be changed in a logical way:


    Au27 is the date (August 27) you set this password. Since passwords must be changed every 60 days, these first 4 characters serve as reminder of the password change due date.

    raf is initials for someone you know +1307 incorporates 4 numbers with some meaning to you (address, etc.)

    =2019 is the year you set this password (in this case, the password was set Aug 27, 2019

    When you need to change the password, the first 4 characters will be determined by the current day. To meet the requirement of changing 8 characters, it is easiest to change the 4 numbers in the middle of the existing password (e.g., 1307 could be changed to 2418 by adding 1 to each of the old numbers).

    If you are having trouble with passwords, you should call the DISA Global Service Desk at 1-844-347-2457, Press 5, and then speak or enter D-L-A.

  • cFolders is a DLA site with a direct link on the DLA/DIBBS home page. This is the site where most DLA solicitations will post their full Technical Data Packages (TDP). These packages may consist of drawings, specifications, standards, procedures, etc. These are the official specifications that must be conformed to by any bidder for the item/s requested in the solicitation. The procedure for cFolders registration is as follows.

    All cFolders users must have a personal DLA/DIBBS account. Once you have established your DLA/DIBBS account, your initial cFolders User ID and password will be the same as in DLA/DIBBS.

    The rules for cFolders passwords are in thPasswords section. When you log on to cFolders for the first time, you must use your DLA/DIBBS User ID and password. If you succeed, you will be asked to create a new password just for cFolders.

    To establish your access to cFolders:

    1. Go to the DLA/DIBBS homepage

    2. Click on DLA Collaboration Folders in the Technical Data section of the DLA/DIBBS home page.

    3. Follow the instructions.

    4. You will be asked to create a new 15-digit password for cFolders.

    If you are having trouble with this registration, you may need to call the DISA Global Service Desk at 1-844-347-2457, Press 5, and then speak or enter D-L-A.


  • The process of getting a JCP certification process no longer requires multiple forms and letters to be downloaded, filled out, scanned, and emailed to the JCP Validation office.

    The entire JCP process has moved to an online portal at: JCP Home (

    The various forms and paperwork that were required for JCP registration have been consolidated in this portal.

    Here are the basic steps you will take on the portal:

    1. Create an account on the portal, which requires 2-factor authentication

    2. Create or join a company for the account

    3. Request JCP

    4. Provide a long list of information and answer many questions.

    5. Certify that you have NIST SP 800-171 assessment score documented on the Supplier Performance Risk System (SPRS). You can use our Assessment Tool to create a self-assessment score. You can use our Assessment Documenting help to post your self-assessment score.

    6. Wait for approval or make corrections as necessary.

    Here's a guide from the JCP Portal: JCP Portal Guide

Getting Tech Data

  • Downloading and reviewing the Technical Data Package (TDP) related to a solicitation is critical to understanding the RFQ's stated requirements. Virtually all tech data for DIBBS RFQs will be stored for download at the DLA cFolders site. If you have not registered for cFolders and wish to download RFQ tech data, please visit the cFolders section of this Support Documentation.

    1. Click on the Tech Docs link for your solicitation in DIBBS Navigator.

    2. You will immediately be directed to the login page of cFolders. Enter your username and password. NOTE: once you have logged in, you will not have to log in again until you turn your computer off.

    3. Press Enter, and you will be taken directly to the location in cFolders where the files for your specific solicitation are stored.

    4. You will see a screen that lists information about the tech data package.


    To download tech data from cFolders for a specific solicitation, follow this procedure:

    1. Click on Download Solicitation. The resulting screen will list all the files in the package. If you want to review drawings quickly, use the Deselect All button and then check only those files whose filename contains a DD.

    2. When the files you want to see are selected, click Continue. A ZIP folder containing the files will be prepared and appear as a link on the next screen.

    3. Click on the ZIP file; a folder with all the files will appear on your computer screen.

    TDP files are generally only in PDF or C4 (JEDMICS) format. You likely have a reader that will open PDF files, but you are unlikely to have a C4 reader. It is critical that you can open and view C4 files. There are at least two options for this utility. For instructions and details, go to the section called How to Open .C4 format files.

    For some solicitations, you will see a requirement for ADDL ACCESS REQUIRED. Go to the Support section called cFolders Additional Access for help with obtaining the required additional access.

  • Here are the definitions of the document codes for DLA drawings and documents:

    • AD: Assembly Drawing

    • AL: Application List

    • AM: Amendment

    • BD: Block Diagram

    • CB: Process Specification

    • CB: Process Specification

    • CD: Concept Drawing

    • CN: Change Notice

    • DD: Detailed Drawing

    • DL: Drawing List

    • ED: Exploded Drawing

    • FD: Fabrication Drawing

    • ID: Installation Drawing

    • PD: Preliminary Drawing

    • PL: Parts List

    • PS: Packaging Sheet or Process Specification

    • QA: Quality Assurance

    • RD: Reference Drawing

    • SD: Schematic Drawing

    • SS: Process Specification

    • ST: Standard Drawing

    • VC: Vendor Item Control Item

    • WD: Wiring Diagram

  • For technical data packages/bidset discrepancies such as illegible or incomplete documents, missing data, lag time errors, empty technical data files on cFolders, or additional access (license agreement) issues, you must complete a customer service request at DLA Product Data Management Division Customer Service Web Site (you will need to create an account)

    If you can access cFolders, but are having problems accessing a certain solicitation, or you find a problem with a drawing, you can contact the following for each major subordinate command:

    For additional questions, call the DLA Product Data Customer Service Help Line at 804-279-3477 and leave a message.

  • C4 Reader Guide

    Many Department of Defense technical drawings are in the C4 (JEDMICS) file format. You will be able to download these files, but if you do not have software that will recognize C4 format, you will be unable to view them.

    You can easily recognize a C4 file by the extension. (Ex: drawing.C4)

    A unique characteristic of the C4 format is that each page of a document must be in a separate C4 file. Thus, a 30-page TDP (Tech Data Package) may consist of 30 C4 files. Typically, a TDP provided with a solicitation will consist of a mixture of C4 and PDF files.

    The government provides a free C4 viewer ImageView. This program works well for viewing a single file, but it will not save the C4 file in other formats (like PDF). ImageView can be downloaded HERE.

    Alternatively, you can download ImageView directly from DIBBS Navigator HERE.

    When installing ImageView, accept all the defaults.

    There are several other commercial programs available that will open C4 files, but most are rather expensive. The most efficient and least expensive program alternative to ImageView we have found is XnView MP. It is currently offered as freeware. We have used it for over five years and found it extremely useful and stable. To download, click HERE.

    When you download the program be sure to scroll down to the section of the XN page where it directs you on how to Download XnView MP in various formats. Select the format appropriate for your computer operating system

    If you elect to use XnViewMP, it is not uncommon, when you use the program for the first time, to find that it will not open a C4 file. This is because the C4 option needs to be turned on. To activate C4, go to TOOLS on the top bar, select SETTINGS, select GENERAL (navigation options on the left), and then check the box for “Show all graphic formats”. You can view the entire list of formats supported by going to HELP on the top bar, selecting ABOUT, and selecting the FORMATS tab. This will list all formats supported and the file extension associated with the format. If you scroll down to EDMICS (sometimes called JEDMICS), you should see the C4 extension associated with this file type.


  • Quoting is extremely simple in DLA/DIBBS.

    The solicitation document will tell you about the terms and conditions required, delivery interval, packaging, etc. The Technical Data Package (TDP) will generally contain drawings, engineering notes, and standards. When you submit a quote, you are saying that you have read, understand, and will comply with all that is in the solicitation and the TDP.

    For solicitations posted in DLA/DIBBS that are of interest, you should first look at the drawings to see if you are interested in them. Then, you should look at the solicitation to see if there is any reason stated that would cause you not to be interested.

    There are three key phases to preparing a quote for a DLA/DIBBS solicitation:

    1. Reading and understanding the Solicitation. Solicitations are typically 20 or more pages and contain important information. Click on the Understanding DIBBS RFQs section for more information.

    2. Download and work with the technical data package. For more, see the Tech Data Guide section.

    3. Placing a quote. In DLA/DIBBS, you will use their online quote system. Once you are familiar with it, submitting a quote only takes a minute or so. To see our DLA/DIBBS Bid Instructions, go to the Understanding DIBBS RFQs section.

    Once your quote is submitted, it can take from 5 days to more than 30 days for an award to be made. This will be done by email. If you are not the winner, as a bidder, you have a right to know who won and the value of the contract. Buyers generally send the email to all bidders. If you do not receive one, you have a right to ask the buyer to provide the award information to you.

    Always read the solicitation and all associated drawings and specs before submitting a quote.

  • The DIBBS RFQ documents are all very similar. There are specific sections that always occur in the same sequence. Embedded in some of these sections is important information relative to what the government expects on that particular RFQ. DIBBS will always use a Standard Form 18. It is important to know that you do not fill out or submit this RFQ form. You will create and submit your quote using the DLA Bid Board System. However, the written content of the Request for Quotation is very important. Following are notes on some of the key sections. You can download the RFQ document directly from the listing of the solicitation in DIBBS Navigator.

    Cover Page – this contains information regarding key dates for submission and buyer contact information

    Section A – among other notices, this section will tell you:

    • If this is a Fast Pay, the government will pay you in 15 days. If it is not fast pay, you will be paid in 30 days.

    • If the shipment is FOB Origin and the government provides and pays for shipping.

    Section B – among other notices, contains basic information about the item being procured and will tell you:

    • The Quality certification requirement, if any.

    • The list of the relevant drawings that define the item. The first drawing listed is usually labeled “IAW Basic Drawing NR xxxxx”. This is usually the master drawing that contains a high-level picture of the item. When you are looking at a list of drawings you have downloaded from cFolders, it is useful to look at the IAW drawing first.

    • How many line items (CLINs) there are. Generally, there is only one unless the first article samples must be submitted. In this case, one CLIN will show the first article quantity, and the second CLIN will show the production quantity.

    • The interval to delivery

    • The inspection point and acceptance point. Often, both are Origin (your facility).

    • The packaging quantity is usually expressed as QUP:###. This means Quantity Unit Pack, with the number suffix defining the number of pieces in a pack.

    • The marking and packaging standards that apply to this procurement. DLA often specifies a generic commercial packaging standard ASTM D3951. Go to the Marking and Packaging section for further details.

    Section C – contains descriptions, specifications, or statements of work. This section is often not used in DIBBS RFQs.

    Section D – describes the packaging, preservation, and packing requirements for the solicitation. The section is often not used in DIBBS RFQs.

  • All quotes for DIBBS solicitations are submitted online using the "DIBBS Quote Input Form."

    To get started, click on the Quote link for your solicitation in DIBBS Navigator. If you are currently logged in to DLA/DIBBS, you will be taken directly to the "DIBBS Quote Input Form". Most likely, you are not logged in, so you will be taken to a login page:


    When you click on the Quote link, you are given an opportunity to copy the Solicitation Number, which you need after logging into DLA. Copy the solicitation number, and then when the Quote form opens, you can paste it in.

    The form will be prefilled with the solicitation number, your CAGE Code, and other default information and options.

    While the "DIBBS Quote Input Form" may appear complex, most of the requested information is straightforward.

    Click HERE for a detailed step-by-step process (starting on page 7) for submitting your quote.

    image|input quote|#

Marking and Packaging

  • There are two levels of standards for packaging items purchased by DLA:

    • Standard Practice for Commercial Packaging, ASTM D3951 (click HERE)

    • DOD Standard Practice for Military Packaging, MIL-STD-2073 (click HERE)

    DLA provides a great deal of information on marking and packaging at DLA Packaging

    The solicitation document will specify which standard applies. From 40 to 50% of solicitations use the commercial option.

    In the case of MIL-STD -2073, you can comply with in-house resources or use a commercial Mil Spec packaging service. Google "mil spec pack ship" to find commercial providers.

    For MIL-STD -2073, the coded requirements might look like the following:

    PRES MTHD: 11
    CLNG/DRY: 3
    PRESV MAT: 21
    OPI: A
    PACK CODE: 7

    Leidos provides a code lookup utility HERE that is quite handy. Using the example codes above, your requirements would be:

    image|code requirements|#

  • Watch the DLA’s Packaging Videos HERE

Regulations and Standards